Why Go Now

Why Go Now: New Zealand - A Panel Discussion with Eliza Harris, Rēnata West & Rebecca Ingram

Indagare COO, Eliza Harris, recently returned from an epic adventure to New Zealand with her family, and in case you missed her beautiful article, evocative new hotel reviews and stunning social posts, know this: New Zealand is a destination that has imprinted on us. For this lively panel, Eliza is joined by two dynamic storytellers, and they share their experiences of this marvelous island country: Renata West is Managing Director of Pacific Storytelling, and his family, as the original pioneers of tourism in New Zealand, has been telling stories for over 200 years. Rebecca Ingram is the Chief Executive at Tourism Industry Aotearoa, New Zealand’s only independent association representing all sectors of the country’s large and diverse tourism industry. Together, the three discuss why now is the best time to visit this exquisite island country—and why it is such a special and memorable destination.

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